
The REBOOT Specialist

Do I have to be happy? 🙄

Published over 2 years ago • 4 min read



Someone who saw a video of me speaking recently asked, "When you're not speaking, do you have trouble practicing what you preach?"

Of course not. I'm always happy. Always smiling. Always positive. Life is easy.



It's true. If you see me speaking on stage, or on a video, you'll see me smiling. If you read this weekly email, you'll hear me talking about positivity and joy. Does that mean I'm always smiling, though? That I'm always happy? That I always look on the bright side?


Here's a picture to prove it:


That was me this morning, at the breakfast table. My "little guru" (my son) was up and running at full steam. That dude is always ON. He was trying on his Halloween costume, playing drums, pestering the cat... and there I was.

If you're familiar with the Enneagram personality profile, I'm a 9. The Peacemaker. I love peace. Where do you think a guru is going to challenge you if you love peace? He (or she) is going to test your ability to find peace... in all situations.

This morning, I wasn't doing so great.

This morning, I would not feel like getting on stage to talk to you about Mastering the Moments. But... I still could, and would, because here's what I know:

You don't have to be happy all the time.

You won't be happy all the time.

Mastering the Moments is not about being happy all the time. It's about living life as the creator of your experience, knowing that you will feel all the feelings, and also knowing you have power over your feelings.

Your feelings do not run the show. (Or, they don't have to.) You are the director of this show. You have the power to allow a scene to play out and see where it goes. And you also have the power to say, "Cut!" and begin again.

Here's a critical distinction:

When you do want to change your feelings, or your emotional experience, you don't have to go from miserable to joyful in an instant.


If you find yourself in a place where you're resisting what is, or requiring something different, or just resigned (accepting defeat) to this situation...

Could you make a shift to allow what is? You don't have to like it. Could you simply acknowledge, "It is what it is... while it is"?

That's a shift in energy.

If you can allow what is, then could you make another shift to find peace in the midst of what is? "It is what it is while it is... and I'm okay."

That's a shift in energy.

If you can find peace with what is, then would it possible to take another step to find gratitude in the midst of what is? "It is what it is while it is... but there's also something good going on here... and I'm grateful."

That's a shift in energy.

If you can find gratitude with what is, then would it be possible to take one more step to actually get a taste of joy right here, right now? Would it be possible to bring a smile to your face? Beyond simply finding something to be grateful for, can you zoom out on the entire picture and say, "You know what, life is good"?

Is that a step too far?

It's okay if you can't go there just yet. I didn't go there immediately this morning.

I'll admit, I was resisting what I was experiencing. "I do not like this, Sam I am."

But, I found my way to allowing it... I took some breaths and found a glimmer of peace.

That was the best I could do in the moment. The best you can do is all you can do.

It wasn't until Brody left for school that I recovered enough to get to gratitude and joy. Below I'll share a song that helped me get there. Hit play and do what it says and maybe it will help you, too.

But as you're going through this process, know this:

When you make even the smallest shift, you've actually risen to an even higher level of energy than you know. You've risen to the level of Creator. You are now the creator of your experience. No longer do the circumstances of life have power over you. You have the power.

Where are you now, and what is the next highest level of energy you can reach?



Are you ready to step into it and live as a creator today?

Up we go—

Shawn Ellis
​Mastering the Moments:
Living with Heart
Nashville, Tennessee



They said it...

“For you are the creator of your own experience-you have only to decide it and allow it to be.” ― Esther Hicks

“Happiness depends upon ourselves.” ― Aristotle

“Do you want to know what my secret (to a happy, content life) is? I don’t mind what happens.“ ― Jiddu Krishnamurti



Today's song...

Get Up Offa That Thing by James Brown

video preview



I'm here for you...

Want to inspire and elevate the performance of your team? Want to unleash the power of Mastering the Moments and Living (and Working) with Heart? Reply to inquire about having Shawn speak your next event—virtual or in-person.

Looking for a coach, guide, or mentor who can help you overcome obstacles—within and without—so you can live the life you know you’re made for? Reply to inquire about which of Shawn’s coaching packages can help you achieve your goals.



We’re stronger together...

Know someone else who needs to hear this message? If you were moved by today’s message, no doubt someone else needs to hear it, too. Please feel free to forward it to a friend (or a few).

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The REBOOT Specialist

by Shawn Ellis

Resilience Strategist and Keynote Speaker Shawn Ellis is guiding a new wave of resilient leaders to adapt, grow, and emerge stronger from challenges, creating a more fulfilling, human-centric work environment. Shawn is the creator of The Reboot Roadmap, a transformative framework that helps individuals and organizations not only survive challenges, but go Beyond Resilience to thrive and come back better than ever.

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